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1. Access the registration page on the left. Registration link for 2024-2025 regular season is at the top of the page. This is the player registration. Coaches and Volunteers have a separate registration link.  

2. On the "Welcome" page, you will be prompted to log into your SportsEngine account (if you do not have a SportsEngine Account you will be prompted to create one).

3. If you have not registered for USA Hockey 2024-25, click the link to register your player(s). You will not be able to complete the Polar Bears registration without a current USA Hockey number for each player, coach, or volunteer registering.  Current USA hockey confirmation number with have 4th digit a 5.

4. Continue through the registration pages, filling out the requested information to the best of your knowledge.

5. On the "Registration Options" page, your player will be selected to a team by birth year (you will have the option to register additional children on the "Review" page and receive the family discount by entering multiplayer10 in the code box).  

6. Once all players are registered, proceed to the Shopping Cart to choose payment options and submit payment. If you choose NOT to volunteer, a "point buy-out fee" will be added.

7. You will receive an email confirmation and receipt following completed registration.


Click the links to learn more about our team sponsors!

Sponsored by Graystone Studio

Graystone Studio

Visit Website


U8 Sponsor

Sponsored by Bessemer Plywood Corp.

Bessemer Plywood Corp.

Visit Website


U10 Sponsor

Sponsored by Big Powderhorn Mountain Resort

Big Powderhorn Mountain Resort

Visit Website


U12 Sponsor



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U14 Sponsor

Sponsored by Mud Creek Builders

Mud Creek Builders

Visit Website


U18 Sponsor

It's time to sharpen your skates to be ready for another season of Polar Bear Hockey


Need a way to earn your points for the upcoming season? Polar Bear Hockey is in need of volunteers at all games and events throughout the year. We have a few volunteer positions available for the upcoming 2023-24 season!

  • Equipment Manager (Filled)
  • Scheduler (Filled)
  • Coaches
  • Coach Coordinator(Filled)
  • Growth Coordinator
  • MAHA Representative (Filled)

Please contact any board member if you are interested in these positions, message us on Facebook and use the link below to provide contact information. 

There is a "dibs" system we will be using to track volunteer hours. Without volunteers our club cannot keep registration prices low., and we need volunteer penalty box workers, scoreboard workers, time keepers, and locker room monitors in order to have games.  A point buy-out is optional this season during registration.