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Coaches Corner

Steps to Become a USA Hockey Coach

USA Hockey and the Coaching Education Program require both certification and registration to be eligible to coach. Registration is done online on a yearly basis. Certification is also required. A few basic steps requirements are as follows:

USA Hockey Requirements (Must be completed before participating in any team activities)

  • Register as a member of USA Hockey (Cost is $40 plus any affiliate fees if applicable). 
  • Complete the background screening (found on your affiliate website).
  • Complete the USA Hockey Safe Sport Training. 

Coaching Education Program Requirements (Must be completed by December 31)

  • Find, register and attend the required certification clinic. Most clinics can be attended online. (Cost is $50 plus any lunch fees if applicable) You can only attend one clinic per season and all coaches start at Level 1. (The coaching clinic season for Levels 1-3 officially runs from September 1 to December 31). 
  • Complete the online age-specific module(s) for the age level of play you are coaching. (Cost is $10 per module) (The online modules are available from September 1 to December 31.) 
  • You cannot be added to the official roster (be on the ice during games) if all of the above are not complete.

    For more information go to:
  • Class fees will be reimbursed by Polar Bear Hockey by submitting copies of receipts.