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Team Parent

Team Parent



U8 Mites Blue/Learn2Play: Alex Mabie 715-600-8077

U8 Mites:

U10 SQUIRTS: Kara Roberts 906-364-4522



Team Parent Responsibilities

Thank you for volunteering your time to help keep your child’s team well organized and compliant with the MAHA rules we are required to comply with.  

  • Try to keep communication current with all team parents so everyone knows what’s going on.
  • Work with your Head Coach to make sure all volunteers have turned in Background Checks (every 2 years) & Safe Sports Certificates.  (Safe Sport -annual can be completed for free online thru the USA Hockey website.).  These will be kept in coaches Black Book.
  • Have your parents, who qualify, sign up to work off points at Home Games.
  • Have your parents, who qualify, sign up to be Locker Room Monitors at every practice, home game, and away game.
  • Points/hours worked can be logged by the volunteer under the DIBS tab on this web page.  Question about the DIBS:  Denise Lotzer


  • Collect Team Jerseys at the end of the season.  Make sure they are clean and in good shape and turn in all at once.
  • Parents are required to work off points.  Each Point equals 1 Hour    
  • Learn to Skate = 0 Points                                                                                                                                                  
  • U6/Learn to Play = 0 Points                                                                                                         
  • U8 Mites= 10 Points                                                                                 
  • U10 Squirts = 20 Points                                                                                
  • U12 Peewees = 20 Points                                                                  
  • U14 Bantams = 20 Points

***Points can be worked off at every practice, home game, and away game.  MAHA requires two adults in the locker room whenever there are players in there.  To be a locker room monitor a volunteer has to have a Background Check & Have completed the Safe Sport Program online thru USA Hockey.  Those monitors should be in the locker room 40 minutes prior to practice/game and be in the locker room after practice/game until the last player leaves.  Remember…2 monitors Every Time!

***Points can be worked off during home games.  See list below of what jobs there are.

  • 2 Locker Room Monitors (both male/female LR)
  • 2 volunteers in Score Booth 
  • 2 volunteers in Penalty Box
  • Board Set UP/Removal U6/U8 games
  • 50/50 (optional)
  • Sucker Pull (optional)

Your child’s success or lack of success in sports does not indicate what kind of parent you are. But having an athlete that is coachable, respectful, a great teammate, mentally tough, resilient, and tries their best IS a direct reflection of your parenting.

USA Hockey Parents

This link will help all parents become more familiar with USA Hockey and how to help their child be a successful hockey player at any level.